Gretchen Baretto Fucks Around In Broad Daylight

Flesh Asia Daily reader "Boy Maton" momentarily took a break from his usual routine of taking secret upskirt photos of students in Manila's shopping malls and sent me these freshly-crapped supposedly paparazzi shots of Gretchen Baretto having a lunch date with a guy who's a dozen times more good-looking than her beau, Tony Boy Cojuangco.

Boy Maton writes:

Gretchen Baretto with an unidentifed man looking very sweet. I think they will go to a motel afterwards.

Whoa, be careful there, Boy Maton! You might just piss off somebody like Tony Boy Cojuangco. It's even probable that the dude Gretchen is seen here is already "sleeping with the fishes," so to speak. Coz what else would Tony Boy do but to whack him, like what would have been done by all normal rich guys fucked many times over by their younger, prettier pseudo-wives? But I'm just saying. Because I'm pretty mystified about Tony Boy myself -- you have here a guy with boatloads of money, yet you decide to screw a single girl like Gretchen. It's as if Tony Boy is actually a normal person! Like he can't buy any pussy he fancies? Take a walk, man.

at 1:56 AM  


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