Maybe Maxim Girl Korea Park Su-kyung Has Important Things to Say, Only If She Could Look Beyond Her Skinny Ass

Incredibly profound Q&A by Maxim Korea with Park Su-kyung:

Maxim: Tell us about South Korean ladies?

Su-kyung: Korean girls are skinner and prettier than girls in other countries. They keep up with trends so they wear cute accessories and hot make-up.

Maxim: What do you like to get up to?

Su-kyung: I love online gaming. I play at least one to two hours everyday, even when I'm busy. It’s fun.

Maxim: Why do you think you won Miss Maxim South Korea?

Su-kyung: I was selected Miss Maxim South Korea because I am cute and skinny. I like every part of me, but I am especially proud of my pretty legs.

Don't get me wrong; I actually like this girl. But she lost me at "Korean girls are skinnier and prettier than girls in other countries." The whole snippet of an interview is irritating, and this is me talking as someone who has the kind of patience as huge as the Milky fucking Way.

at 1:53 AM  


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