Shilpa Shetty Is Cool About Richard Gere's "Controversial" Kiss

Shilpa Shetty recently spoke with Talk Asia's Satinder Bindra on, among other things, the "lunatic fringe's reaction" to Richard Gere's on-stage kiss.

Shetty is admant that the extreme reactions from some do not reflect her country: "I would describe the 'some' as a lunatic fringe. And that is so not the sensibility of the majority of India."

The award-winning star also explains why she is relaxed at the thought of a potential six year jail sentence in the wake of the controversy before venting her frustration as to why effigies of Gere have been burned: "I don't know if Richard is going to come back to the country, the losers…it's us again as he was only trying to help us out." As to those pursuing the litigations, she asks: "I want to actually ask them what they've done for us, what have they done for this country?"

That was indeed some smart retort. For more of the interview, click here.

at 5:40 AM  


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